How To Rid Your Home Of Cockroaches


Cockroaches can be a very serious and pesky problem in the home. The most common cockroach that are seen inside homes is the German roach. They are attracted to homes by means of water supplies. Ways to help prevent cockroaches in the home is constant cleaning and storing food properly. Once there is an infestation of cockroaches in the home, they are difficult to get rid of. There are some common methods that have been proven to work, but they take consistency. Some tips for getting rid of cockroaches will definitely help with the struggle to be free of them.

Identify areas where the problems are

Using a flashlight and a glue strip, you can search areas of the home where cockroaches may nest. Examine the home for infestation sites or hiding spots which could include the behind the refrigerator, under the sink and stove, the crevices of cabinets and shelves, closets and door corners, and the bathroom. Determine the best place to put the glue strip.

Close gaps by using caulking

Cockroaches often come in from the outside. Although traps may work on the ones that are on the inside, they won’t keep the ones on the outside from getting in. Use caulking to seal up gaps in the floor and walls, holes around plumbing, and any small entry hole.

Use gel bait and bait stations

These bait stations can effectively reduce the cockroach population by applying it in crevices and cracks, under baseboards, and in any area that will likely attract cockroaches. Gel bait is very effective when it comes to ridding the home of roaches. You may see many dead roaches in areas of the home from the gel bait. Bait stations attract the cockroach into the station where they feed on poison. The roach goes back to its location and dies. The other roaches feed on him and the poison is passed on. They too soon die.

Pest control professionals

A more effective approach to ridding the home of cockroaches is to hire a pest control Bondi professional. Treating cockroach infestations by hiring a professional can provide an ongoing solution to the cockroach problem and increase the safety in the home. It will also eliminate the use of the other methods.

Use Boric Acid

This is an effective method for getting rid of cockroaches, but it can be easily displaced by currents of air which could send it to places where children or pets may be. This is not recommended as a sole method for getting rid of cockroaches.

The above mentioned methods for getting rid of cockroaches can be time consuming when doing it yourself, but they can also be very effective when done properly and safely.